CCL Training
CCL Training
Take a Concealed Carry License (CCL) course by a certified NRA instructor, range safety officer, former firefighter and former medic . The Concealed Carry Course is Illinois state-approved and unlike most other courses will allow you to apply for your Florida and Arizona permits. These additional permits will allow you to carry in more states with less restrictions than you can with only an Illinois permit. An Illinois firearm owner’s identification card (FOID) is not required to participate and we will show you how to fill out the required online forms for your license and FOID card.
This concealed carry class gives you the knowledge to obtain a CCL and covers topics like firearms laws, gun safety, and more. The class includes both classroom instruction and time on the range.
We will go over topics like:
- The skills you need to handle and use your firearm including stance, grip, fundamentals along with other essential skills other.
- State and Federal laws
- Care, cleaning, loading, unloading a firearm and familiarization so you are more comfortable with what you are going to carry.
- How to properly fill out the proper paperwork for both your FOID and CCL.
- Holsters and other numerous ways to carry your firearm along with examples of each.
- We can provide the full 16 hour course, 8 hour course or 3 hour renewal course,
- The extra time and effort to make you fully comfortable and not just push you out the door.

NRA Instructor